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Changes to the maximum continuous stay and visa duration for the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)

14 August 2023


Effective November 27, 2023, significant changes are being introduced to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) regarding maximum continuous stay and visa duration.

AEWV holders paid at least the median wage can stay up to five years, followed by a mandatory 12-month exit from New Zealand before they can apply for another AEWV, whether through a single or multiple shorter AEWV periods.

Holders paid below the median wage or under Sector Agreements may face shorter maximum stay durations or need shorter periods outside NZ before reapplying.

If employers are providing ongoing employment to an individual with an AEWV on November 26, 2023, and the worker’s visa conditions remain unchanged, there is no requirement for them to initiate an additional Job Check. The employer can reuse their existing job token.