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Changes to the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

21 June 2023

Changes to the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

What are the changes?

On October 9, 2023, a new simplified points system will be introduced for the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) Resident Visa. This new system will provide a faster route to residence for people in high-skilled roles, and others will have a clear route to residence if they work for a period in Aotearoa New Zealand.

What are the requirements for the new system?

Under the new system, all SMC applicants must have a job offer for, or current employment in, a role paid at least:

  • The median wage for occupations classified at ANZSCO skill level 1-3, or
  • 1.5 times the median wage for occupations classified at ANZSCO skill level 4-5

In addition, they need six points to apply. This can be made up from:

  • Three to six points based on New Zealand occupational registration, or a recognised qualification or income
  • One point per year of work in a New Zealand skilled job, up to a maximum of three points

The age limit, English language, health, and character requirements for residence applications remain unchanged.

What are the implications of these changes?

The new simplified points system will make it easier for people to qualify for the SMC Resident Visa. This is good news for people who are looking to make New Zealand their permanent home.

The new system will also provide more certainty to migrants and employers about who can come to New Zealand to work temporarily and who can remain permanently. This will help people make informed decisions about their future.

What happens next?

INZ aims to decide straightforward SMC applications that have all the required information very soon. There will be no cap on the number of people who can gain residence if they meet the skills threshold.

More information

More information about the changes to the SMC will be provided closer to the launch. In the meantime, you can visit our website to learn more about the new Skilled Migrant Category.

If you are interested in applying for the SMC Resident Visa under the new simplified points system, please contact our immigration lawyers today. We can help you assess your eligibility and prepare your application.