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Immigration New Zealand takes longer to process Job Checks for Accredited Employer Work Visas

15 September 2023

Job Check

Immigration New Zealand takes longer to process Job Checks for Accredited Employer Work Visas

It takes longer to process some Job Check applications because Immigration New Zealand (INZ) needs to ask for more information or clarify details.

The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) is a visa that allows skilled migrants to work temporarily in New Zealand. The Job Check step helps ensure that New Zealanders have the first opportunity to get jobs. However, if there are real skill or labor shortages, accredited employers can hire skilled migrants for these positions.

Employers can make sure their Job Check is processed within 10 working days by:

  • Ensuring that their applications are accurate and complete
  • Providing commonly requested information when applying

Checking if job vacancies are current

Job Check applications should be for jobs that are currently available. The positions should genuinely be open when the Job Check is submitted because business conditions can change. Job Check applications for potential future work are not allowed under immigration rules.

Hiring more than one migrant

If you are including several job vacancies in one Job Check, we suggest including extra information to prove that these positions are real and that your client can support the migrants they plan to hire. This additional information could include organization charts, contracts for ongoing work, or details about migrant settlement support. You can provide this information in the ‘further evidence’ section of the Job Check application.

Complete applications make the process smoother

When applications have mistakes or are missing information, INZ has to contact the employer for more details, and this slows down the processing.

When you apply for Employer Accreditation or a Job Check, please ensure that all the necessary documents are provided so that the application is ready for a decision. You can provide this information in the ‘further evidence’ section of the Job Check application.