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A Medical Waiver Application in New Zealand immigration refers to a request for an exception to the requirement that visa applicants meet certain medical standards. The medical standards are designed to ensure that individuals who are granted visas to enter or stay in New Zealand do not pose a risk to public health or put undue pressure on New Zealand’s health services.

How can I apply for Character Waiver?

In some cases, individuals who do not meet the medical standards may still be able to enter or stay in New Zealand if they are able to demonstrate that there are exceptional circumstances that justify an exception. This is done through a Medical Waiver Application. The application must provide evidence and arguments to show that the individual’s presence in New Zealand is justified despite their medical condition, and that they will not pose a risk to public health or put undue pressure on New Zealand’s health services.

The outcome of a Medical Waiver Application can vary and will depend on the specific circumstances of each case. It’s advisable to seek professional immigration advice to ensure that your application is complete and meets all the requirements.

Do you need expert advice on a Medical Waiver Application?

We are Expert New Zealand Immigration Lawyers. You can send us a copy of the letter that you have recevied from the Immigration NZ by email.


It will take at least 1~3 working days review the letter. After we have reviewed the letter, we will contact you to advise on how to continue with your application.