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“OVERSTAYERS (S61) APPLICATIONS” is likely to be a reference to individuals who have overstayed their visa in New Zealand and are now applying for an exemption from deportation under section 61 of the Immigration Act 2009.

An application under section 61 allows people to apply for an exemption from deportation when they have overstayed their visa in New Zealand and are now unable to depart. These applications are typically reviewed on a case-by-case basis and the decision to grant an exemption is based on factors such as length of overstay, reasons for overstaying, and immigration history.

Do you need expert advice on an Overstayers (s61) applications?

We are Expert New Zealand Immigration Lawyers. Please let us have more details about your situation.


After you send us the email, it will take at least 1~3 working days for our intial review. After we complete the first review, we will contact you to discuss the next steps that you can take on.