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Partner work rights changes under the Immigration Rebalance

28 February 2023

partner worker rebalance

As of May 31, 2023, partners of most Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and Essential Skills Work Visa (ESWV) holders who are granted a partnership-based work visa must work for an Accredited Employer and be paid at least the median wage or the wage threshold if the role is covered by an un-capped sector agreement. The median wage is currently NZD $29.66.

There are some exceptions to the requirement to be paid the median wage. These exceptions can be found on the Immigration New Zealand (INZ) website.

The new requirements are designed to ensure that partners of migrant workers are paid a fair wage and that they are not exploited by employers. The requirements also aim to make it easier for employers to find qualified New Zealanders to fill these roles.

If you are a partner of an AEWV or ESWV holder and you are interested in applying for a partnership-based work visa, please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime.