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Transport Sector Green List Roles

26 April 2023


A new two-year work to residence pathway for selected transport roles will open for applications on September 29, 2023. The pathway is open to people working in the following occupations:

  • Bus driver (731211)
  • Truck driver (733111)
  • Aircraft refueler (733112)
  • Furniture remover (733113)
  • Tanker driver (733114)
  • Tow truck driver (733115)
  • Deck hand (899211)
  • Ship’s master (231231)

To be eligible for the pathway, applicants must:

  • Have a job or job offer in one of the above occupations
  • Meet the Green List requirements for their occupation
  • Have completed two years of work experience in their occupation
  • Meet other general requirements

More information about the pathway is available on the Immigration New Zealand website.

Here are some additional details about the pathway:

  • Applicants must be working in New Zealand at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be able to speak, read, write, and understand basic English.
  • Applicants must have a clean criminal record.
  • Applicants must have a valid passport.

The pathway is a great opportunity for people who are working in the transport sector in New Zealand. It offers a clear path to permanent residency for people who meet the requirements.