Variation of Conditions of a visa refers to a request to change the conditions of a visa that has already been granted. The conditions of a visa may include restrictions on work, study, or travel, as well as requirements for maintaining a certain level of health insurance coverage.
How can I apply for a variation of conditions?
A Variation of Conditions request can be made by a visa holder who wants to change the conditions of their visa for a variety of reasons, such as to take up new employment opportunities, to extend their stay in New Zealand, or to change their immigration status.
The outcome of a Variation of Conditions request will depend on the specific circumstances of each case, and the immigration authorities will consider factors such as the individual’s immigration history, the purpose of their stay in New Zealand, and the impact of the proposed changes on New Zealand’s security, public order, and good character.
Do you need expert advice on a variation of visa conditions?
We are Expert New Zealand Immigration Lawyers. Please let us have more details by email.
It will take at least 1~3 working days review your email. After we complete reviewing your email, we will contact you to advise on how to continue with your application.